Technorati top 100
It's game day, but there aren't any interesting games on yet, so I'm checking out the blogosphere. So far I've made it through 20 of the top 100 on Technorati. The only one that is even mildly amusing it PostSecret, and it's not nearly as interesting as it was earlier in the year. (It may be that since I'm now free from all the psychotropic substances, I'm more particular. I think, though, that the quality of the offerings has significantly declined.) At least PostSecret is original.
So here's the breakdown of the top 20.
- Six useful idiot, or political blogs. The top three are of the liberal persuasion. I left a comment at Think Progress pointing out that none of the folks commenting on Path to 9/11 has seen the damn thing. Serious retards blogging over there, and at all political blogs.
- Six tech blogs. Most of these are gadget oriented. Does acquiring lots of gadgets make people feel better about themselves? Seems to me like it's basically the same fix as buying new clothes, cars, or any other sort of bullshit. Affluenza.
- Four non-English blogs.
- Two corporate blogs. Goggle and Apple are both represented. God damn.
- A gossip blog
- PostSecret
I guess if you want to be a big time blogger you need to be a retard, a geek, a corporation, a foreigner, a gossip, or a talentless artist. Cool.
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