Friday, September 08, 2006

Apologies anyone?

We apologize an awful god damn lot in this country. Zuckerberg, the brains behind Facebook, apologized today for empowering idiots to publicize their private lives. Richard Armitage has finally gotten around to acknowledging he outed Valerie Plame, and of course, apologizing for it. The Governator has put his big foot in his big mouth yet again, and yet again, apologized for it. And all of this just today!

So I'm christening an "apology" tag. Yes, when it becomes me, I'll note the apologies of the assholes who do shit they have to apologize for, or are gutless enough to apologize to crybabies because it improves their images. To all of you who I hope to offend at some point, let me take this opportunity to say fuck you! I'm not responsible for how you feel you stupid piece of shit. I'm not sorry for what I say or do, but if it'll keep me from being sued or jailed, I might say I am.

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